Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Jesus the DOOR of Salvation [Part 1]

Jesus True Passion-I once read something very touching written by a former Jehovah Witness who had become Born Again. He was expressing his gratitude for the passion of Christ. It moved my heart as he spoke of Jesus praying in the garden for us, thinking of us as He anguished, knowing full well what lay ahead of Him on the cross of Calvery. Yet Jesus selflessly thought of us during this anguish.Jesus suffered so much when He bore our sins, and when the Father laid on Him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah 53:6] To think that God loved us sooooooo much that He would give the Son of His Love, His only begotten, is overwhelming to me.I know speaking in earthly terms, I have an only son, and I get a wee, tiny, miniscule glimmer of how very, very much the Father loves Jesus, yet it says in Isaiah 53:10 it pleased the Lord to bruise him. It pleased the Lord because He loves us so much, and it was the only way sinful man could be reconciled to a Thrice Holy God.Our sins are scarlett, yet they can be washed as white as snow by the blood of Jesus. It is ONLY by the cleansing power of the blood of the Sinless, Spotless, Lamb of God that we can be Saved, trusting Christ alone to save us.

NO OTHER NAME-Jesus is the Name above all names, and there is no other Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be Saved. [Acts 4:12]The Name Jesus actually means Yahweh Saves or Salvation of Yah.The Father in the old testament said that He was the Only Savior. The Lord Yahweh says in Isaiah 43:11, "I am the Lord, and besides me there is No Savior."How suprising then when we read in Matthew 1:21 that Jesus came to "Save His people from their sins."There would be a HUGE contradiction in the Scriptures unless you believe that Jesus is God manifested in a body of flesh. [1 Timothy 3:16 KJV]

JESUS IS THE TRUTH-Jesus pointed to HIMSELF as being THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.I pray that people who call their religion 'the truth' will see when they call their religions 'the truth', that they are usurping the authority of Jesus Christ who is the truth. [John 14:6]And His Holy Word is the truth. "Thy Word is truth"[John 17:17]We need to receive the love of His truth so as to be saved [2 Thessalonians 2:10-12]Oh Lord, help us Father to receive the love of your Written Word [the Bible], and your Living Word [your Son the Lord Jesus Christ].{more to come}


Peach said...

What a wonderfully clear portrayal of the absolute supremacy of Christ, and of His nature as God the Son. Go girl!

Laurie said...

Hey..I know you! LOL Thanks precious sister. Praise Jesus, without Him I would literally know NOTHING! Thankyou for being such an inspiration to be by your passionate love for the Lord. may He hold you so close by His Amighty side beloved in Christ! ((((((Soph))))))