This is our Isaiah. Meaning of His Name is Salvation of Yah. We know that Jesus is the Salvation of Yah, andby repenting and trusting in His finished work on the cross, we are saved. There is no name given under heaven but Jesus that we can be saved by. His Name is the wonderful Name above all.
Is Isaiah your son?
Yes, I am so happy to say it is my sonshine. Ya, he's a very sweet little man.
Aw! This is such a cute picture.
Is this the Isaiah you mentioned on the board at Carm?
Yes, this is the little man.
Hello Laurie,
I saw your post on the RoT board. Your correct, Why would I want to return, I cannot speak the truth.
Anyway, I have being stopping in sometimes to see whats changed since I left, the only thing that has changed is, A few LDS left and the Mods are even stricter than before. I figure on my mormon blog, I can be as Bold and in your face as I want.
Also if Shelli did not tell you, I have a food blog if you want to check it out.
Olus since I cannot cast my Vote about my return or not, that means I cannot tell them what I think, your more than welcome to tell them what I told you. Rick b
Ah, you have been checking up on me eh..lol
I had to say something. I don't know really why it is such a big deal. The Mormons wanted you back. Go figure..lol
I personally believe as Christians we have to stop worrying so much about offending folks with the truth is all.
Well Bobby has been getting an earful and as always he does not want to hear it.
Send me your address and I will send you a bottle of happiness on me, just email me a photo with a picture of some one holding the bottle and some thing like a sign in the background stating your in Cananda.
Timothy said he does not have a digtal camera and I'm not sure about David. I am waiting for a photo from werner. Can Mike handle heat? Rick b
I will send you my addy via e mail or facebook to Shelli...that is mighty kind of you buddy. I think it would be cool to have a pic from Canada with all our snow right now.
Mike LOVES hot. I do too but my belly can't handle it too much anymore in my old age.
I don't know how I will get Canada in the Picture lol..have to think of something. Would be cool with Niagara falls in tha background eh
Hello Laurie,
Niagara falls in the background would be cool. Maybe you could find a post office or bank that states your in Canada or a road sign on the way to the falls and send both photo's.
If you check out the photo's on my blog, I have a picture of a guy over on Israel with the golden dome behind him.
My spice is not hot to people who can handle heat, but many people said it is hot. I eat it on almost everything.
I have a sign I'm thinking would be good
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